Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Patriotism and Nationalism


 PATRIOTISM: devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.

NATIONALISM: the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation, viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.


The reason I posted these two words and the definitions is because I’m trying to prove a point on our country today.  These two words are thrown out there so many times, yet nobody truly shows them. 

You see an American Flag flying tattered in the wind; you should speak up, not get mad and drive away in disgust.  That shows cowardice and lack of Patriotism and Nationalism.

You want to know why our group has come about?  Ask yourself how many True Presidents or any official from the two party system actually shows true Patriotism and Nationalism and I’ll call you a liar. 

Republicans and Democrats share the same agenda, no matter how you look at it.  They go all out to get into office the best way they can.  You, the voter, will side with the best con-man and once they are in office, you feel you’ve done something great.  For once, you feel you really achieved something great.

Then after the inauguration, they become the two-faced person they are and you start getting mad at whatever they do to upset you.  You will say nobody is perfect and the next election, you’ll vote for someone better. 

However, the election arrives, then you have to “vote for the lesser of two evils”.  Then you are stuck again.  Then you have to wait another four years and hope for a better chance as long as nothing extremely bad happens to the country along the way.

Then you have what we have today; high unemployment, most products come from China and other foreign countries, illegals get more rights than actual citizens, the list just goes on.  You don’t have to be a rocket scientist in the U.S. to know all of the bad things that are happening right now. 

What I’m saying is this.  You don’t have to side with those parties anymore.  We are actually giving you a way out, believe it or not.  I know it seems crazy right now and you’re wondering how can this be?  Well, I’ll tell you.

America was founded on people who stood up to tyrants across the ocean, saying they will no longer be under foreign rule.  They made their own flag and called themselves America.

Same rule applies today.  You don’t have to follow the corrupt parties anymore.  You can be independent and actually side yourselves with true Patriots.  Show your National Pride and join the American Nationalists.  I promise you, the things you see today will not exist anymore.  Things will get better. 

If you want to keep your firearms, then we say, KEEP THEM, if you want to keep prayer in school, we say PRAY and if you want your children to live in a better country than what they are living in today, then we say JOIN THE AMERICAN NATIONALISTS PARTY TODAY!!

Thanks for reading.


Christopher Chambless

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