Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Years

The end of 2012 is near; right around the corner to be exact.  2013 has a lot of things in store for people. Many have resolutions such as losing weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, etc.  Others will just look at is as another day and not even care another year has gone by, which is also ok.  There is no shame in whatever people may look at a new year.

Now for a challenge to each and every reader reading this blog.  Each of you knows that the U.S. is trying to get rid of the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms.  Many conservatives, if not all of them, are not only frightened, but are basically on the verge of calling for a revolution.  This is not only the dumbest thing you could ever do, but they are not thinking of their families.  This is what is called true selfishness and not really thinking about your families.  If a revolution were to occur, which I’m sure the government would really love to happen, the U.N. would love to send troops to this country and begin enforcing laws on a scale nobody could even fathom.  So you think that it will be like the movie, “Red Dawn.”  That’s where fantasy meets reality.  None of that will really happen and that sad part is, families will be slaughtered for nothing.

This is where we, the American Nationalists come in.  We understand that people want to keep their arms and we are not telling you to surrender them.  What we are saying is, join us and let us speak for you.  The government is a waste of your time.  Nobody from either party, Democrats or Republicans, will really represent you.  They don’t have a leg to stand on because they all work for the same people, regardless of what you want to believe.  Think of nature.  Does nature need such tools to survive? Man did not start in this world with firearms, so why do you really think you need a firearm at this point in time to really survive anything?  It’s another way the government has control over each and every one of you.  Take away what the people really grasp a hold of and you can control them.  Right now, it’s the firearms and God.  Man can fight without firearms and God can be found anywhere and everywhere if you know how to look.  You don’t need the government to tell you that.

All I’m asking for you this New Years is really look at your families and know that they can have a great future if you begin to support a party that speaks for the American People.  We are the voice of America, however your voices will not be heard unless you join us.  You can remain anonymous, we don’t care.  The ones who are bold enough to say who they are, those are the ones we will consider Representatives of the American Nationalists.  You can join us and just help get our name out there and tell America they no longer have to be afraid of the government because there are some out there who decided to stand up and speak out.

Thanks for reading and Happy New Years.


Christopher Chambless

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