Saturday, January 26, 2013

On The Verge Of A Revolution In The U.S?

            The days seem to be getting worse as time goes on due to the leadership in charge of our country.  The problem is, everyone wants something that is probably the craziest thing to even think of these days and that is a Revolution.  It sounds really good doesn’t it?  Thinking about when we had our first one or you can say another Civil War; again, you are thinking about the past times.

            Now I’m going to bring you to present day America, in which you and I live in.  Say one or the other in the above paragraph actually happens today, what do you think will happen?  Do you really believe it will be an onslaught like the olden days?  The answer is NO.  I will give you the reasons and you can debate them if you would like.  I will give it to you in a simple story format and see if I hit everything just right.

            One day, a person had the guts to fire the first shot of a revolution/civil war, grant it he wasn’t taken out by the FED’s because nobody has true privacy anymore like you think.  Martial law goes into effect immediately.  So then, the others who keep shouting, “From my cold dead hands” decide to take on the military parties using espionage and such.  Remember, most of the military is tied up overseas, so there’s not much left back here. The government then requests foreign troops by NATO to come over here to help out, in which they would be glad too. 

            Now you have foreign soldiers on our soil, who most of those soldiers are quiet feistier than ours; begin killing our children, wives, mothers, fathers, etc.  Now you are forced to conform.  However, you have those out there who still believe they can “live off the land” because they really believe they can take on an occupying force who this government would give free reign too.  The bottom line is, this wouldn’t be America anymore; it will be a disaster that none of us could fathom and to pretend you could do something like you see on television, believe this; TELEVISION AND THE REAL WORLD DO NOT MIX!!

            Now, if you are truly one of the people out there who wants to actually take a stand, save this country and prevent the tyranny from getting worse, this is what you do.  You create a political party, in which I and a few people have started.  You get it growing in numbers so big, that the two party system wouldn’t dare take it on because it becomes the voice of the American People, in which is the main reason we created it. 

            After you get it big enough in numbers, you demand the idiots in charge to step down through impeachment or whatever process you have to go through to get it done.  The party you are a part of then becomes the leader of the Nation and becomes the driving force to protect the people and the country from anymore of the harm that is happening these days. 

            It seems unrealistic, but that’s where the problem lies.  People who speak of faith, rather put their faith in something that will not work versus trying something that will.  If you give us a chance and actually work with us, you will see that it will not only work, you’ll be proud you actually gave it the chance it deserves.  Staying asleep and dreaming of a Civil War or a Revolution is not only ridiculous, but you are cutting the whole nation short of what it deserves.  Think of your families and friends.  Think deep down how much you want them protected and how stupid it would be to bring foreign soldiers to this nation to help police what we can do ourselves.  Stop speaking irrational and start thinking with your heads.  Time is on our side if you give it a chance, but only you can do so.  Nobody can hold your hand and make it happen. 

P.S. The 2nd Amendment is being shown all over the place, not because it’s in real jeopardy; it’s because they don’t want you to see the Constitution and all of our Rights being stripped away from us.  Open your eyes and stop focusing on just the piece of chocolate in the wrapper; look at the box of chocolates sitting on the counter and you’ll be amazed at what you are actually missing.

Thanks For Reading,

Chris Chambless


Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Slap In The Face

A teacher, Scott Compton, in his South Carolina high school class, decided to disgrace the American flag and this is what came from the above link mentioned:

When Michael Copeland overheard his teenager talking about what her honors II English teacher did with the flag in their classroom, he pressed for details.

"He drew a couple of symbols, like one of them was a cross, and he said, 'What does this represent,' and everybody said, 'Christianity,'" said Copeland.

"Then he proceeds to take down the American flag, and said, 'This is a symbol, but it's only a piece of cloth. It doesn't mean anything,' and then he throws it down on the floor and then stomps on it, repeatedly."

"I asked what was he trying to get, the point across? And she said, 'I don't know,' and he said, his explanation was there would be no consequences, it's just a piece of cloth that doesn't mean anything."


My question is, how long do we let this kind of “free speech” go on in this country?  When is enough really enough?  Have we really lost that much pride in being American that even our children have to be subjected to things like this?

I am so sick of people trampling on a flag that myself and others not only fought for, but many have also lost their lives for.  This has gone way too far and must be stopped.  I cannot stand the fact that “Old Glory” is disrespected in a country that I so much loved as a child and was so proud to serve her when I swore an oath to protect her when I became a United States Marine. 

I remember while living in California, I saw people in Monterey flying the flag upside down while President George W. Bush, Jr. was in office.  I was scolded at when I began yelling at them to fly it correctly because I was told “this is free speech and you can’t tell us how to fly the flag!”  Seriously, I served my time overseas and you tell me that I can’t tell you how to fly the flag that I swore to protect?  In my eyes, this is treason and should be illegal.

Then you have illegals today, flying the Mexican flag over the American flag, in my country.  To us who fought in the military, it says they have taken over that country, but to America, it’s called free speech.

 This is was another major reason I started a new political organization; to protect America.  We swore to do so, yet nobody in the foreign countries are trying to attack us anymore because they’re doing it right here in our own backyard and many people refuse to see it.  It’s a political battle, one that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans care for the American people.  They have their own agenda and to let people disgrace our flag is not only a slap in the face of each American that’s living, but it’s a slap in every American’s face that have fought and died for this country.  If this doesn’t disgust you, then you are truly not American and don’t belong in this country. 

Now, I’m not only asking, I’m pleading that each of you who reads this article, to visit our website and join us.  Show that America still has people who really care for her and will not let her die on her knees.  Show that you really care about your children’s future and you will not let anyone destroy this country worse than what it is.  We can only get stronger and make it better from here with each and every one of you helping.

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from each and every one of you soon.

Christopher A. Chambless

Saturday, January 5, 2013

How To Display The American Flag

For those out there who really don’t know anything about how to display the American flag, I have found an article that will enlighten each and every one of you.  Funny thing is, the flag is considered a “LIVING THING” and should be taken care of.  It should be treated with respect and dignity because it represents the country that it is raised over.  Funny how that is not how the U.S. flies it these days.  This is another reason why our party has designated a new flag that has not been disgraced in any way. 
Look at the other countries in the world and see how they display their Nation's flag.  I bet you wouldn't see them disrespecting their flag's would you?  If you were to go there and do to them what foreigners do to our flag in our country, you would probably be shot. 
Thanks for reading,
Christopher Chambless 

When and How to Display the U.S. Flag

Long may Old Glory wave

by David Johnson

Related Links
·         U.S. Flag Timeline
·         Flag Day
·         Born on the Fourth of July
·         Flags From Around the World

The United States Flag Code stipulates that as the symbol of a living country, the flag is considered in itself a living thing and should be properly displayed and cared for. The code outlines the proper ways to display the American flag.

·         Raise the flag briskly. Lower it ceremoniously.

·         Never allow the flag to touch the ground or floor.

·         Do not fly the flag in bad weather, unless it is an all-weather flag.

·         The flag can only be flown at night if properly illuminated. Otherwise, it should only be flown from sunrise to sunset.

·         The flag should always be allowed to fall free.

·         The flag should never be used to carry, store, or deliver anything.

·         Never fly the flag upside down except to signal an emergency.


·         When hung over a sidewalk on a rope extending from a building, the stars are always away from the building.

·         When the flag is hung over a street running east to west, the stars are always toward the north. When the flag is hung over a street running north to south, the stars are always toward the east.

·         When a group of flags is being displayed, the U.S. flag should be at the center and at the highest point. The only exception is when the flag of another nation is being flown—national flags should be of the same size and fly at the same height.

·         When covering a casket, the stars should be at the head and over the left shoulder. The flag should never touch the ground or be lowered into the grave.


·         When on a speaker's podium, the flag should be either above and behind the speaker, or to the speaker's right as he faces the audience.

·         When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union (blue field) should be uppermost and to the flag's right, that is, the observer's left.

·         In a window, or suspended above a corridor, the flag should hang with the union on the viewer's left.


·         The flag should be flown daily at the main administration building of public institutions.

·         Polling places should display a flag on election days.

·         School buildings should display a flag when school is in session.

·         Flags should fly at half-staff on the deaths of certain government officials.

·         When the flag is displayed against a wall with another flag from crossed staffs, the U.S. flag should be on the right (facing the audience) and its staff should be on top of the other flag's.


·         When the flag is carried in procession with other flags, it should be either on the right of the line of flags, or in front of the center of the line.

·         On floats, the flag should be displayed on a staff.

·         The flag should not be draped over a car, train, or boat. When displayed with a car, the flag's staff should be attached to the right fender, or the chassis.

·         The flag should be held upright and should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental, state, or organizational flags may be dipped.


·         The flag should never be used as clothing, bedding, or drapery. Red, white, and blue bunting may be used as decoration instead, with the blue on top, white in the middle, and red below.

·         The flag should never be part of a uniform, but a flag patch or lapel pin can be part of a police or other uniform.

·         The flag should not be used to cover a statue or monument.

·         The flag should not be used to cover a ceiling.

·         Advertising banners should not be hung from the same staff as a flag.

·         The flag should not appear on napkins, boxes, or other disposable items, nor should it be embroidered on cushions, handkerchiefs, or similar objects.

Flag Maintenance

·         The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.

·         Care should be taken not to let the flag get torn, dirty, or damaged.

·         The flag should never have placed upon it, nor attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing.

When to Fly the Flag

The flag can be displayed on all days, but in particular it should be flown on:

·         New Year's Day, January 1
·         Inauguration Day, January 20
·         Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday, third Monday in January
·         Lincoln's Birthday, February 12
·         Washington's Birthday, third Monday in February
·         Easter Sunday (variable)
·         Mother's Day, second Sunday in May
·         Armed Forces Day, third Saturday in May
·         Memorial Day (half-staff until noon*), the last Monday in May
·         Flag Day, June 14
·         Independence Day, July 4
·         Labor Day, first Monday in September
·         Constitution Day, September 17
·         Columbus Day, second Monday in October
·         Navy Day, October 27
·         Veterans Day, November 11
·         Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November
·         Christmas Day, December 25
·         Other days as may be proclaimed by the President of the United States
·         The birthdays of States (date of admission)
·         State holidays

*On Memorial Day, the flag should be hung at half-staff until noon, when it should be raised to the top of the staff.

Pledge of Allegiance

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The pledge should be said while standing at attention and facing the flag with right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag and render the military salute.

The same behavior applies during the raising or lowering of the flag, or when it passes on parade.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Let's Help America Together

You know, every time you turn on the television these days, you always hear someone crying about saving another country.   What about our country and the things that are going on here today?  Wouldn't you like to have someone in charge of this country who actually cares about the People and the Nation that they are over instead of worrying over everyone else in the world?  This is basically what we have had over many years now and it's hurting our country as time goes on, whether you want to see it or not.
First off, what about our homeless Veterans?  There are more than you could possibly imagine.  Then you have the homeless families.  They are here in your country, the place we all are supposed to love; they are of our Nation, nobody else’s yet our government along with many civilians much rather send their money to help other countries who could really care less about America.  Does that not make you sick to your stomach, because it makes my blood boil.  Ask yourself this question: "If my family was hurting financially and my neighbor was hurting financially, who would come first; my family or theirs?"  Same principle applies to a Nation, just on a larger scale. 

Then you have the ghetto’s which are more than unsecured to walk in.  If you get caught wearing the wrong color shirt, or even if you are the wrong color person, you have a great chance of being killed based on those facts.  Yet, our government much rather waste your tax dollars and send our troops to help countries overseas and protect people who don’t even want us there.  The next time you are "out and about", look at different neighborhoods and ask yourself: "Would my children be safe walking down the road in that neighborhood in the evening time to visit their friends?" If you can honestly answer yes, then you are living in the safest town in the U.S. and you better not leave it, because they are becoming very scarce.   

I have hit other subjects in the other blogs, but you now understand there are more things wrong with this country than leads to the naked eye.  There’s problems all around us and we must clean it up.  No more wasting American money on things that have no importance for the American people. 

They talk about how much we are in debt, yet they keep pushing our money overseas.  How much money do you think we would actually save if we bought American, built American quality material, etc.  I bet we would actually pull ourselves out of the crisis we are in right now.  Not one leader out there has even remotely stated they wanted to do such.  Instead, they insist on imports and could care less about National Pride and what Americans really want.  I much rather buy something I know will last a lifetime versus something that will last a year or two, like something that comes from China.  Think about that the next time you go to the store.


Thanks For Reading,

Christopher Chambless

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Who Do We Elect?

Today we live in a country that many people have seen problems arise since Obama has taken office.  Many fail to realize so many other things that have happened since before he took office, that they primarily blame only him and him alone.

When Bush, Jr was in office, I still remember numerous people chanting how they wanted him out of office because he was a warmonger and so on.  People were bashing him left and right, not to mention, illegals were still crossing the borders as they are today etc.  We still had many products being imported from China and many American jobs were being outsourced overseas.  The Bush’s had more interest in their oil overseas than what they really had here in the U.S.

Now we have the “Obama Crisis”.  His interests too, lie overseas.  It seems that we are still outsourcing American jobs, many more Americans are out of work, and numerous illegals are crossing the borders even getting more benefits than American citizens in many cases.  This has gotten so far out of control that many people are starting to lose it, not to mention Congress recently received a pay raise and the 2nd Amendment is in jeopardy.

So, you ask where does that leave us? I will tell you this.  One, the two party system is corrupt and has been for a very long time.  Go as far back as you like, but they don’t give you much room to give a history lesson on here.  Secondly, you have to stop believing you will find a savior through the elections. 

Every four years, someone steps up and wants to be elected into office.  They’ll spin their web of lies and promises until they are blue in the face.  You will go and elect whomever you feel is most worthy.  After the inauguration, they become the vile scum they were before they were elected; taking the taxpayers money for their own benefits. 

The other alternative is every four years, you get to decide the “lesser of two evils”.  At this point you have to say who will hurt my children’s future the worse; so you gamble with the lives of our future generation because you want to believe deep down something good could possibly happen with one of the idiots that get elected. 

The American Nationalist Party is the final solution.  Yes, we are new to the political arena, but we are True Red Blooded Americans who speak the truth.  We are the voice that speaks for the American people because no Republican or Democrat has the guts to do so.  Each of us have a family just as anyone who is reading this and that’s why it’s vital we all work together to save this country for our future generation.  Without each and every one of you, this country will surely collapse and will not recover in a good way. 

I say to you, stop believing in a savior from the elections.  Stop looking at the two party system for a solution.  Join us and stand as Proud Americans, not as sheep of the corrupt system this country has in place.

Thanks for reading,

Christopher Chambless

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Patriotism and Nationalism

 PATRIOTISM: devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty.

NATIONALISM: the policy or doctrine of asserting the interests of one's own nation, viewed as separate from the interests of other nations or the common interests of all nations.


The reason I posted these two words and the definitions is because I’m trying to prove a point on our country today.  These two words are thrown out there so many times, yet nobody truly shows them. 

You see an American Flag flying tattered in the wind; you should speak up, not get mad and drive away in disgust.  That shows cowardice and lack of Patriotism and Nationalism.

You want to know why our group has come about?  Ask yourself how many True Presidents or any official from the two party system actually shows true Patriotism and Nationalism and I’ll call you a liar. 

Republicans and Democrats share the same agenda, no matter how you look at it.  They go all out to get into office the best way they can.  You, the voter, will side with the best con-man and once they are in office, you feel you’ve done something great.  For once, you feel you really achieved something great.

Then after the inauguration, they become the two-faced person they are and you start getting mad at whatever they do to upset you.  You will say nobody is perfect and the next election, you’ll vote for someone better. 

However, the election arrives, then you have to “vote for the lesser of two evils”.  Then you are stuck again.  Then you have to wait another four years and hope for a better chance as long as nothing extremely bad happens to the country along the way.

Then you have what we have today; high unemployment, most products come from China and other foreign countries, illegals get more rights than actual citizens, the list just goes on.  You don’t have to be a rocket scientist in the U.S. to know all of the bad things that are happening right now. 

What I’m saying is this.  You don’t have to side with those parties anymore.  We are actually giving you a way out, believe it or not.  I know it seems crazy right now and you’re wondering how can this be?  Well, I’ll tell you.

America was founded on people who stood up to tyrants across the ocean, saying they will no longer be under foreign rule.  They made their own flag and called themselves America.

Same rule applies today.  You don’t have to follow the corrupt parties anymore.  You can be independent and actually side yourselves with true Patriots.  Show your National Pride and join the American Nationalists.  I promise you, the things you see today will not exist anymore.  Things will get better. 

If you want to keep your firearms, then we say, KEEP THEM, if you want to keep prayer in school, we say PRAY and if you want your children to live in a better country than what they are living in today, then we say JOIN THE AMERICAN NATIONALISTS PARTY TODAY!!

Thanks for reading.


Christopher Chambless